Friday, May 30, 2008

Thematic Map

I particularly like this thematic map because it follows two data streams and manages to depict them each clearly. This particular map chooses to use a Choropleth Map to represent the average distribution of income. This base is overlapped with a Dot Distribution map with multiple colors to represent various high-end cars. This combination of grey-tone (well, greenish-blue tone) and colored dotes allows the observer to see the correlation between income and luxury car sales with relative ease. Overall I found this to be a decent representation of the thematic map.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Topographic Map

The above map is a depiction of western Austin including elevation changes. In this representation each line represents a 20 foot change in elevation. Also included are roadways, municipalities and local points of interest. In comparing this to the planimetric map you can see the amount of information missing in the planimetric version.

Planimetric Map

The above map features the city of Austin. The information contained the the map includes natural features such as rivers and wooded areas, but the main focus is on man-made features. Of most importance are roadways and distinguishing between rural and suburban regions. Also present are the names and locations of individual municipalities, roads, and rivers, as well as points of interest such as airports, theme parks and camp grounds. Notably missing is any elevation information. The surface is viewed as if there are no changes in elevation from one area to another. (i.e. plane = planimetric) Compare to Topographic map of the same region.

Mental Maps

This is a depiction of the grounds and surrounding area of Hogwarts School from the Harry Potter series. This particular map represents the spacial relationship between the different settings of various parts of the story. The site also has depictions of the grounds from other fans and even one from the author. In comparing these maps one can see that there are similarities and differences. These differences highlight the personal and abstract nature of a mental map.